Why SIGN UP for Stopsmoking18.com?
I will feel healthier right away.

I will have more energy and better focus.

I will have whiter teeth and fresher breath.

I will cough less and breathe better.

I will be healthier the rest of my life. I will lower my risk for cancer, heart attacks, strokes, early death, cataracts, and skin wrinkling.

I will no longer expose others to my second-hand smoke.

I won't have to worry: "When will I get to smoke next?" or "What do I do when I'm in a smokefree place?"

I will have more money to spend.

Are you ready to SIGN UP now?
1 day You'll save

1 week You'll save

1 month You'll save

1 year You'll save

10 years  You'll save

20 years You'll save

Please take our class educate yourself about smoking and learn how to quit. Simple instruction and suggestions are explained in detail in the following pages. Upon completion of all the reading and passing a straightforward test, your certified certificate will print with your name on it. SIGN UP now.
How much will you save if you smoke 1 pack a day @ $5.95 per pack?
The benefits of quitting are far better than the discomforts of recovery! Stay with it.

Quitting smoking is hard work...
But it can be done. Millions of people just like you have become and are still former smokers.

I will crave cigarettes...
But cravings will pass. Most cravings only last a few minutes, and over time the urges to smoke will get weaker and come less often.

Withdrawal is uncomfortable...
But it isn’t painful. It’s for a short time and it’s manageable.

I might gain weight...
Gaining a few extra pounds after quitting is normal,    but exercise and healthy eating can stop most of this weight gain, if not all of it.

Everything I do reminds me of smoking...
Smoking has been part of your daily life, like drinking coffee and waiting for the bus. But every day that you spend as a non-smoker will help make new routines that don’t include cigarettes.

Smoking is a part of me...
Smoking feels good because you’ve had lots of practice being a smoker. But you have years ahead of you to practice being a non-smoker.

$ Everyone speaks the language of money. $

It's no surprise that smokers pay more for life insurance, all other things being equal. If your insurance company labels you as a smoker, they place you in the smoker risk category, which means your premium will be higher than it is for nonsmokers. It's a sobering reality, but the mortality rate for smokers is much higher than it is for those who don't smoke.

Smoking causes more than $196 billion each year in health-related costs, including the cost of lost productivity caused by deaths from smoking.

Smoking-related medical costs averaged more than $100 billion each year between 2000 and 2004. This translates to $2,247 in extra medical expenses for each adult smoker per year as of 2004. Americans who quit smoking can save $250 to nearly $1,250 a year depending on where they live and how much they smoke, a U.S. study says.

On the other hand the CEO of one of the top tobacco companies in the world makes approximately  $21.7 million per year according to Dow Jones Newswires.